Training: Citizen Review Board Re-Orientation Training – for Veteran Board Members

Register by Dec. 12, 2022 deadline
This is for those who took Orientation Training prior to September 2021.

What is this?
This is a unique version of the newly redesigned CRB Orientation Training curriculum, especially for existing CRB volunteers who completed their Orientation Training prior to September 2021.

When is this?
9am-4pm PST on Friday, January 6, 2023 via Webex. This is a one-time training.

What does this training require?
There will be about 3-4 hours of homework required prior to taking Re-Orientation Training, to consist of about an hour of videos, about an hour or two of reading, and an approximately 30-60 minute independent activity.

What does the training consist of?
The Re-Orientation Training day on the 6th will consist of discussions about the CRB’s mission/values, board member professionalism and conduct, understanding how federal/state/case law and ODHS policy/procedure fit together and relate to our work, looking at our cases from the perspective of the parties, and a refresher on how to make each of the findings while focusing on what is truly relevant and avoiding common pitfalls and misunderstandings about them.

How many hours of training?
This training will count for all 8 of your 2023 Continuing Education credits, including 1 hour of Cultural Responsiveness training. After the training is complete, you can report your hours here: <>

How do I register?
If it ends up being something you are interested in, registration for the Re-Orientation Training is required by 12/15/22. To register, simply email CRB Trainer Kristina Elliott at <> and tell her your name, county, and how long you have been a board member. You will receive a confirmation email with the link to attend the training. Note: You will receive the agenda and homework assignments on 12/15/22 after registration closes.

What if I want to attend, but the January 6 date does not work for me?
Unfortunately, this is a one-time opportunity. However, if you would like to take and review the redesigned Orientation Training curriculum that new CRB board members are going through these days, you can still do so. Please email CRB Trainer Kristina Elliott about this at <> any time. She will provide you with the information and links so that you can watch a pre-recorded version of the new Orientation Training at your own pace, complete any homework assignments that interest you, and review the new training materials and handbook. The agenda and homework is different than in the Re-Orientation Training, which has been designed especially for veteran board members, but you can still receive 2023 Continuing Education credits for working through the pre-recorded CRB Orientation Training on your own as well.

Tricia Swallow, Field Staff, is happy to discuss this with you more and help you determine if taking this training is right for you. It is a big time commitment and may not be necessary/helpful for everyone, so we can chat about that. <>
If you have any questions specifically about the Re-Orientation Training in general however (such as about the agenda, content, special accommodations, etc.), please reach out to training partner, Kristina Elliott at <> or 503-986-5654.


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