Study Finds Link Between Covid-19 and Increased Screen Time for Youth and Adolescents

woman staring at her cell phone
photo by Daria Nepriakhina – unsplash

A recent review and analysis found youth under 18 increased their screen time by 52%. The highest increases came for those ages 12-18 and for handheld devices and personal computers.

The study began with the question “To what extent has the Covid-19 pandemic been associated with changes in the duration, content, and context of daily screen time among children and adolescents globally?

Authors concluded ” The COVID-19 pandemic has led to considerable disruptions in the lives and routines of children, adolescents, and families, which is likely associated with increased levels of screen time. Findings suggest that when interacting with children and caregivers, practitioners should place a critical focus on promoting healthy device habits, which can include moderating daily use; choosing age-appropriate programs; promoting device-free time, sleep, and physical activity; and encouraging children to use screens as a creative outlet or a means to meaningfully connect with others.”

The Assessment of Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis can be found here: Link:


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