Children’s Bureau Releases Child Welfare Outcomes 2019: Report to Congress

From the Executive Summary:

This Report to Congress provides information on the performance of states on seven national outcome categories and also includes data on contextual factors and findings of analyses conducted across states.

The following are the seven national outcomes established by the Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families.

Outcome 1: Reduce recurrence of child abuse and/or neglect
Outcome 2: Reduce the incidence of child abuse and/or neglect in foster care
Outcome 3: Increase permanency for children in foster care
Outcome 4: Reduce time in foster care to reunification without increasing reentry
Outcome 5: Reduce time in foster care to adoption
Outcome 6: Increase placement stability
Outcome 7: Reduce placements of young children in group homes or institutions

In addition to detailing state performance in the current outcome categories, this Report also includes findings of analyses conducted across states and across time. Data for most of the measures in this Report come from two national child welfare reporting systems—the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS).

Download the Report here. Link:


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