The Double Standard of Doing Drugs and Removing Kids

By Nicole Sawyer
From The Imprint: Youth Voice

Nicole Sawyer (Photo Credit: The Imprint)

This article is written by a young woman who was “in and out of foster care 5 times since I was about 4 days old, in 3 different states.’ She has since aged out and is committed to creating reform within the foster care system.

I firmly believe that if the foster care system removes children from guardians because of the use of drugs, then that same system should employ people who do not use those same drugs. There needs to be a regular random drug testing policy implemented that is actually enforced. How is justice served when people in power are involved in the same actions that are grounds for child removal? It defeats the exact purpose of removal; it’s a manipulative use of power.

Sawyer writes about the necessity for random drug testing for caseworkers. She experienced taking drugs with her sister and an unknown woman who laughed about being a CPS worker. Two years later, Sawyer writes, the woman is still working for the system.

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