Webinar: FASD and Historical Trauma Considerations to Improve Care for Native People: Focus on Child Welfare and Domestic Violence

Hosted by the Indian Health Services (IHS) TeleBehavioral Health Center of Excellence (2016)

This webinar presented by Tessa Evans-Campbell, PhD (Snohomish) and Sandra Radin, PhD, describes the contexts of FASD, historical trauma, and grief, and how they relate to maternal and child health.

Link: <https://ihs.cosocloud.com/p5yva1zgx87/>

The objective of this webinar was to assist viewers in being able to identify specific influences of FASD, historical trauma and grief in child welfare and domestic violence and apply learning to improve care and treatment for Native peoples. Dr. Evans-Campbell is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the School of Social Work, University of Washington; Dr. Radin is a Research Scientist at the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington.

Note: For a 2-page factsheet on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Among Native Americans Link: <https://www.ihs.gov/headstart/documents/FetalAlcoholSpectrumDisordersAmongNativeAmericans.pdf>. The factsheet describes the scope of FASD among Native Americans, an overview of FASD, and what is being done to address the issue.


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